Welcome to Stick Chick Knits! Here you'll find the complete Stick Chick Knits line of patterns and several of my favorite yarns to go with them.
In 2008 I walked away from an engineering career, uprooted my family (moving to Seattle from San Carlos, CA), and launched Stick Chick Knits; I rarely do things in half measures. I started with one pattern, Violeta, and a goal to design many more. Six years and 67 designs later, I still feel incredibly lucky to get to do what I love for a living.
As the Stick Chick Knits pattern catalog grew I started going to yarn shows as a vendor - quite a change from the years I went to shop! I started with my first little table at the Tacoma Rainiers Stitch and Pitch in 2009, with all of 6 patterns of my own (along with a guest pattern from a friend). Fast forward to 2014, where at Vogue Knitting Live Seattle I had an entire 10'x10' booth bursting at the seams.
A few shows in I started to stock yarn to offer my customers the option of making the items in my booth with the same amazing yarns I had the privilege to make the samples with. This was a big hit, so I started adding more yarn companies to my mix. Mostly indie dyers, and all yarns I've personally knit with.
The best part of attending shows is seeing happy knitters wearing my designs. Some follow the pattern just the way I designed, others use amazing color combinations or add finishing touches I never dreamed of while designing the original. I love watching knitters cultivate the seed in my design, growing it and changing it to suit themselves.
As much as I would love traveling around the country year round, attending shows and giving classes, I'm also a full-time mother to two wonderful boys (and one enormous dog, who I blame entirely on my husband). For those knitters further afield from the Pacific Northwest, I've decided to offer the same high quality yarns I stock in my booth at shows. All the yarns you'll find here I've used, worn, and loved. I hope you enjoy them as much as I have!